A Holistic Leadership Transformation Journey in Hamburg

10th - 13th of October 2024


1.867€ net
2.222€ incl. tax


It's not the fight that makes us powerful. It's in our softness where our true power lies.

Softness creates ease and flow. It cannot be stopped by obstacles along its way. It knows how to gracefully flow around them and erode them gently over time.

Softness is what we need in our unbalanced world, not just to transform our wellbeing, but the whole world we are living in.

This is a journey of coming home in yourself again, finding harmony & connection and leading powerfully from there.


Are you looking to approach your life with more softness, ease and your very own purpose & direction instead of constant pressure and other peoples opinions?

Do you aspire to achieve a deeper connection & harmony within your body, mind and heart that lead to healthy relationships in all aspects of life?

Do you want to fully embrace and embody your own essence and discover what dreams and visions are truly yours to follow in this lifetime?

Discover an exclusive, unique and safe space for unfiltered exchange and deep connection in an intimate circle of like-hearted people in one of the most beautiful parts next to the Alster in Hamburg.

This program is about feeling your wholeness. Stepping up into your leadership first means becoming a leader for yourself. It takes immense strength and courage to live a life that’s authentic, often outside conventional roles and expectations. Embracing your unique path through full self responsibility requires not only bravery but also a deep mindfulness and awareness of the self.

In this journey, you’ll be reminded that true leadership starts from within. By cultivating a profound connection with your inner self, you can navigate life's challenges with grace, confidence and peace. This program encourages you to embrace your individuality, to stand tall in your truth, and to lead a life with love that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations.

Through mindful practices and self-awareness exercises, you'll gain the tools to live self-determined and with purpose. You’ll discover the power of leading yourself with integrity & authenticity, which naturally extends to leading others with the same strength and clarity. Embrace your wholeness, step confidently into your leadership, and create a life that is a true reflection of who you are.

No corporate leadership experience / position required. Self-Leadership is the focus.

It’s an In-person training. The training will be conducted in both German and English. Translations will be available for both sides, if needed.




Modul 1 | Hormone Balance & Cyclical Living | Balanced Leadership by Johanna

Modul 1: This is a journey to connect with your body, your inner feminine wisdom and embrace your cyclical being to tap into the immense power and potential you carry within you in all aspects of your life.

Learn about your general hormone system and the specific power of the female cycle as well as how to balance your hormones naturally to fully tap into our bodies superpowers! In the second part as a women you are welcome to dive deeper into your female cycle and learn more about how to sync your nutrition, exercise and business to the phases of your cycle. As a man you get the space to discover the realm of facia and the emotional release within.

Relieve symptoms naturally, gain more energy and step into your full potential as a woman, men and leader. It is designed to empower and embrace all facets of yourself, connect to the wisdom of your body and prioritize your unique needs alongside your ambitions. It's when thriving, not merely surviving, becomes the norm.


Modul 2 | Mindful Leadership |
Reflection & Introspection by Nikola

Modul 2: Starting with the question „What is Mindfulness?“ we explore and cultivate present-moment awareness. 

Mindfulness as a form of meta-attention is holding space for self-reflection, being aware of thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs that inform our concept of self and surroundings. 

With many insights and practices of self-reflection, we explore how we lead ourselves through life and how mindfulness is related to self-knowledge, self-communication, stress regulation, concentration, and creativity. 

In the second part, we focus on Mindful Leadership in group settings and explore how mindfulness practices influence conscious goal setting, decision-making, solving conflicts, and strengthening (work)flow.


Modul 3 | Knowing Self |
Vibrational Leadership by Mitzy & Fenja

Modul 3: A deep dive into the essence of who you truly are. This transformative module is designed to guide you on the profound journey of self-discovery. Embark on an introspective voyage to uncover your true self, facing one of the bravest questions we can ask ourselves in our lifetime: "Who am I?"

We offer a general insight into your nervous system and your chakra system, which are for most of us out of balance due to the demands of today's society. You’ll learn to harness your body's intelligence, align with your heart & highest purpose, and embody your true self. Through soothing practices designed to ease the tension in your nervous system, you'll begin to experience greater flow in life and a sense of well-being all around.

Easing the strains of modern living you'll embrace a life of harmony and fulfillment and lead yourself and others from a place of deep trust with vibrational integrity and your unique soft and powerful confidence.


about us


Mindful Leadership Coach & Professor for Media Sociology


Nikola is a Professor for Media Sociology at Hochschule Fresenius in Hamburg.
Since 2018 she has been growing her business as a Mindful Leadership Coach, working with leaders and private clients as well as collaborating with global companies in business consulting who search for better Energy Management, Self Knowledge, Mindful Communication, and Purpose. 

Nikola combines science with mindfulness practice, inspired by a vision of a more conscious and connected (business) world. In her sessions she is giving practical and theoretical insights about Mindful Leadership in everyday day life, your relation to Self and group settings.

Women Health and Empowerment Coach & international Casting Director and Creative Producer

Johanna Clas-bundschuh

Johanna always had a passion for creativity and collaboration. After over 8 years of corporate experience in Marketing and Brand Communications - 6 years on the company side at HUGO BOSS, this year she has taken the next step in her professional journey and offers her expertise with her international VIP network as a self-employed Casting Director while as well focusing on her heart topic of Hormone Balance and Women Health Workshops and Coaching.

Based on her own experience with absent periods and irregular cycles in our demanding & stress-driven surroundings she became an expert in the field of hormone balance and cycle-friendly nutrition. In 2022 she became a yoga teacher of Embodied Flow Yoga & Somatics and in 2024 a Women Empowerment Coach (Women’s Health & Embodiment).

Her work and offerings are designed to (re)connect you to yourself and your body following a holistic approach that includes women’s cyclical nature, hormone health & nervous system regulation to cause an embodied transformation inside and access to your full potential not just in your workspace but in every aspect of your life.

Serene Tan (Mitzy)

Nervous System Coach & Entrepreneur B2B Food Industry 

Mitzy completed her degree in media and marketing in London 2019 and hence started creating beauty and fashion advertisements for various brands that are based in London, Malaysia and Bali. 

In 2020, she created her own fruit-based dessert brand and the brand is now expanding into B2B exportation to ASEAN countries under her leadership. 

Mitzy developed a deep interest in how the mind works in 2022 through her healing journey. She started learning from different teachers and mentors on understanding the true intelligence of the body and the power of the subconscious mind.

She began developing a technique that works effortlessly to manifest her desires and co-create her experiences with the environment around her. Now she lives in between cities and living a life that she always wanted. 

Her workshops offer a general insight into your nervous system and how living in today's society can create tension that disrupts your flow. You'll learn to harness your body's intelligence by using your auric field to attract your heart's desires. Through soothing practices designed to ease the tension in your nervous system, you'll begin to experience greater flow in life. 

Fenja Haase

Holistic Life Coach and Mentor & Real Estate Projector and Investor 

Fenja is a visionary and a space holder in her core. Her courageous and unconventional life journey and intuitive and compassionate Being inspire those around her, and she sees herself as a bridge between the mind-driven (business) world and the powerful spirituality inherent in all of us.

After over 8 years of work in the luxury real estate market in Hamburg as an entrepreneur, ongoing only primarily as a private investor and projector, she now mainly focuses on her natural ability of holding space for others by seeing beyond the surface, understanding the core emotions and needs of individuals. Her clients are primarily entrepreneurs and high performers, whom she meets with a blend of profound sparring in business & life and deep emotional work through meditation techniques in a 1:1 coaching setting.

Living life between Cape Town, Hamburg, and Bali, she sees life as a beautiful journey of ongoing growth & (un)learning in all directions.

In addition to a one-year training in nervous-system-based coaching in 2021, not just her interest but her healing journey has led her to undertake deep, transformative studies abroad in meditation techniques, embodiment movement and somatic body intelligence from teachers all over the world. Despite that, over the last 15 years of and still ongoing travels, she connects with diverse cultures, enriching her understanding of the human experience and deepening her self-awareness constantly.

It is the first time she has created the space for a group setting in Germany. Recognizing that the main trouble for society lies in the inability of being truly present in the now as well as connecting to our own individual heart and its wisdom, she puts her main focus there. She creates a space where honesty and softness intertwine, allowing one’s true essence to unfold and experience the unstoppable power of yielding to life's flow with deep inner alignment.

how to apply

Invest the space & time with this training in yourself and find back to your very own essence and fulfillment in the now. If you feel a deep yes in your heart for such a profound journey, we would love to welcome you in this powerful program.

Due to our limited spots we would like to ask you to provide the necessary information about yourself by filling out our contact form. This initial step helps us understand your background and interest in the offering. After completing the contact form, please submit it to us. Our team will review your information and get back to you in person within the next days.

No corporate leadership experience / position required. This training is for everyone who wants to powerfully lead their own selfs in every aspects.

We can’t wait to meet you soon.

With love, Mitzy, Johanna, Nikola & Fenja

6 spots left

A course that covers not just one element but holistically a whole journey to embody your unique ESSENCE.

10th - 13th of Oct 2024 | Hamburg-Aussenalster | exclusive In-Person-Training

Inner Strength & Courage. Gain strength and courage to embrace self-responsibility and mindfulness.

Mindful Practices & Self-Awareness. Gain tools for living authentically and purposefully.

Lead with Clarity. Discover the power of self-leadership to naturally extend to leading others with strength and clarity.

Step confidently into Leadership. Create a life that is a true reflection of who you are.

PRICE: 1.867€ Net | 2.222€ incl. Tax


When participating on the journey, you’ll receive the invoice on your chosen billing address so you can use it when filing your annual taxes to claim any applicable deductions or credits as well as to present it to your employer for potential reimbursement or support as a professional development or further training measure.

Please note that while the invoice and themes can facilitate these financial benefits we cannot give you any tax advice nor a guarantee of tax reduction and/or financial employer support. The responsibility & risk for understanding and applying these benefits lies with the participant.